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Welcome to eXp World. Download the app for free and
get access to our borderless virtual world.

Download for PC                   Download for MAC 


* Download links are for the sole use of
eXp Realty agents and their guests

Watch the Getting Started Video

For Mobile Devices

eXp World Intercom for android and iOS

Follow These Steps To Get Started

  • Select “Windowed” if you don’t want eXp World to fill the entire screen
  • Select your preferred resolution or go with the recommended settings. If you experience shuttering or low performance, change it to a lower setting.
    • Select “Windowed” if you don’t want eXp World to fill the entire screen
    • Select your preferred resolution or go with the recommended settings. If you experience shuttering or low performance, change it to a lower setting.
  • Select “Windowed” if you don’t want eXp World to fill the entire screen
  • Select your preferred resolution or go with the recommended settings. If you experience shuttering or low performance, change it to a lower setting.
    • Select “Windowed” if you don’t want eXp World to fill the entire screen
    • Select your preferred resolution or go with the recommended settings. If you experience shuttering or low performance, change it to a lower setting.